Our Mission and School Aims

Our Mission Statement

At Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School our mission statement is at the heart of everything we do and hope to achieve. It is at the centre of everything and everyone and determines our approach to all aspects of school life.

Our Mission Statement is:

PROUD of our children; PROUD of our school; PROUD of our faith

Our school’s mission statement is supported by a school motto which explains the word PROUD.

At Sacred Heart we: Make 
Progress, show Resilience, display Openness, are Unique, and Demonstrate our Faith.New Paragraph

Our School Aims

To live as a Christian family inspired by the values of Jesus. To develop and celebrate every child’s full potential through a rich and enjoyable learning environment. To promote and encourage an effective partnership between home, school, parish and community. These school aims are underpinned by the following practical objectives which exemplify how our Mission Statement is alive in our school.

Our School Objectives

To live as a Christian family inspired by the values of Jesus.

We build solid foundations for our journey in faith by providing opportunities for our pupils to demonstrate tolerance and respect for all through our ‘Come and See’ Programme, teaching British Values, daily collective worship, prayer, our Sacramental Programme and our relationships and commitment to each other.

We support individual children and their families in ways other than just academic, one to one interventions and targeted actions support parents of vulnerable children so that all children’s needs are met. Our Learning Mentor and Children and Families Support Worker are a key part of the team around the child and family, who endeavour to build strong and enabling relationships.

We establish the ‘Seeds and Gardeners’ Programme, which gives responsibility to our Year Six pupils who act as role models for our reception pupils, demonstrating positive relationships and supporting personal growth.

We educate the children by giving them understanding of the fundraising events that we do in school. For example our work with local and international charities (Nugent Care, CAFOD, Joining Jack, Macmillan etc.) and how we can make a difference to the lives of others. 

Our pupils are supported in the development of moral responsibility and respect for self and others, through the provision of an age appropriate Relationships and Sex Education programme for all.

The words of the Gospels of Jesus Christ are heard in assemblies and daily collective worship, and themes explore how the Scripture are relevant to our lives today.

Our policies for behaviour and anti-bullying provide opportunities for self-reflection and forgiveness so that pupils know and understand the consequences of their actions for themselves and others.

Our Catholic Mission is prominently communicated and promoted throughout our school through our displays, information booklets, at meetings and events, through awards assemblies and within our ’From the Heart’ publication.

‘Diamond Rules’ are displayed, discussed, understood and communicated and are underpinned by instructions which explain how the rules can be met in all areas of school and life.

Our pupils will be supported in their Christian journey through collective worship, masses in school and a celebration of their Sacramental journey. This will be seen through children supporting one another, caring and sharing, but also forgiving one another with friendly smiles, tolerance and understanding.

To develop and celebrate every child’s full potential through a rich and enjoyable learning environment.

We include all children in all aspects of learning regardless of gender, race, background, disability or level of ability, through planning a differentiated curriculum, which enables every child to achieve and to celebrate their uniqueness.

All adults, including teachers and teaching assistants ensure that through focussed planning, constantly striving to provide high quality, effective teaching and carrying out rigorous assessments, all pupils achieve learn well and to the best of their ability.

An environment is maintained by all, which is clean and tidy, well organised and warm and bright, where children and staff feel safe, valued and ready to learn.

We facilitate learning experiences which create a sense of ‘awe and wonder’. We achieve this through inspiring educational visits, residential experiences and motivating and engaging visitors, so that these ‘WOW’’ moments spark imagination, fascination and enjoyment, enriching spiritual and cognitive development and enabling pupils to become masters of their own learning.

We use the strengths of our adults to enrich learning and provide opportunities for children to engage in a wide range of extra-curricular activities e.g. rugby, athletics, choir etc.

We use a range of assessments, analysis and evaluations and give developmental verbal and written feedback so that every individual learns to the best of their ability and no one is left behind.

We work as phase teams to plan targeted interventions, through detailed provision maps, which identify plans for vulnerable pupils and those in danger of falling behind.

We celebrate children’s individual strengths through praise assemblies and golden heart awards. PROUD awards recognise children who have demonstrated the school mission statement and have made us PROUD! Children and staff encourage each other and recognise achievement through feedback, praise and rewards.

To promote and encourage an effective partnership between home, school, parish and community

Our pupils will develop stronger partnerships with parents through key staff who support in other ways than academic: family learning courses, pi for breakfast, dad’s breakfast, a-safety, assertive mentoring, proud awards, prize giving, This will be seen through the team working together around the child with parents being fully involved in their child’s progress and understanding how they can help at home. 

Our pupils will develop their sense of community through activities which will promote awareness of diversity, respect and work with outside agencies. This will be seen through providing a range of opportunities for the school community to come together to celebrate our successes for example, Christmas markets, carol concerts, prize giving, praise assembly, Christian celebrations.

We invite parents into school to celebrate their child’s achievements:- celebration assemblies, sports days, music concerts, carol services, Christmas markets, FOSH events, coffee mornings, assertive mentoring, parent review days, pupil reports, From the Heart, Heartbeat. 

Forge links with the wider community and its needs: fire service, CAFOD, visitors e.g. Jono Lancaster, Refat Mahmood, The Brick, and Macmillan coffee mornings.

Develop stronger relationships /partnerships with parents, through key staff e.g. CFSW, learning mentor and planned parent meetings across the year.

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