Our governing body supports all that we do and are keen to get involved as they join with us in a simple goal:
for us all to be ‘Proud of our children; Proud of our school; Proud of our faith'.
The remit for the Governing Body is to:
The governors of Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School believe it is important that the governing board reflects the diversity of our school community. Diverse boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for our children and young people.
Data is currently collected on the diversity of the board, which is used to inform our recruitment and training needs to ensure that there is always a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making. However, due to our relatively small board we do not publish this data online as individual governors could be identified and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal data.
Governing Body Composition
Type of Governor | Number |
Foundation | 7 |
Headteacher | 1 |
Local Authority | 1 |
Parent | 2 |
Staff | 1 |
Associate Members | 2 |
Current Governors
Anthony Atherton | Foundation | 11.04.23 - 10.04.27 | Appointed by the Archdiocese of Liverpool |
Janet Baron | Foundation | 01.09.21 - 31.08.25 | Appointed by the Archdiocese of Liverpool |
Noel Bresland | Parent | 22.06.21 - 01.06.25 | Elected by Parents |
Steve Coyle | Foundation | 26.03.24 - 25.03.28 | Appointed by the Archdiocese of Liverpool |
Katherine Gaskell | Foundation | 01.09.24 - 31.08.28 | Appointed by the Archdiocese of Liverpool |
John Hanley | Foundation | 01.09.21 - 31.08.25 | Appointed by the Archdiocese of Liverpool |
Kirstie Harrison | Local Authority | 26.09.23 - 29.09.27 | Appointed by the Governing Body |
David Klaka | Foundation | 25.04.23 - 25.04.27 | Appointed by the Archdiocese of Liverpool |
Janet Moffatt | Foundation | 13.10.21 - 12.10.25 | Appointed by the Archdiocese of Liverpool |
Samantha Stirrup | Headteacher | 19.04.22 | Appointed by the Governing Body |
Elizabeth Thompson | Staff | 20.11.21 - 19.11.25 | Appointed by the Staff |
Katrina Beardsworth | Observer / Assistant Head | ||
Mel Leaford | Observer / Assistant Head | ||
Lisa Richardson | Observer / Business Manager | ||
Sue Counsell | Clerk to the Governing Body |
Governors who have left in the last 12 months
Governor Name | Term End Date |
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 |
Ad-hoc Committees:
Staff Disciplinary
Pupil Discipline
Three governors with no prior knowledge will be called alphabetically to form the committee.
Record of Attendance
PROUD of our children; PROUD of our school; PROUD of our faith
Springfield Road, Wigan, Lancashire
01942 231478