Friends of Sacred Heart (FOSH)

The “Friends of Sacred Heart” (FOSH) is open to all parents and carers, any members of staff and any other members of the community who wish to support its work.

Our aim is to provide a closer link between school and the community by providing information and the opportunity for parents, staff and pupils to get together.

FOSH is primarily a Parent Teacher Association or PTA. PTA activities vary from school to school and may include

  • Raising funds for the school to provide extra resources for the pupils to make learning more interesting and exciting
  • Donating prizes for school competitions
  • Providing refreshments at Parents’ Meetings or other school events.

FOSH are always looking for new members. We usually meet every other month to discuss fundraising ideas and events. We are a very friendly group of people and would welcome any new members or ideas.

We do appreciate that life is busy, but if you would like to be involved but could not commit to regular meetings there are so many other ways in which to support our school fundraising.

We work very hard to plan and implement a varying number of events but not all are achievable without some extra support. Supporting the PTA can be done in so many ways:

  • Helping out at one of our events
  • Baking for a Cake Sale
  • Donating towards one of the up-and-coming events
  • Creative parents and carers may also like to make things to sell at an event.

You can simply support the PTA by turning up to just one event throughout the year!

Thank you for your continued support.

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